Go out and enjoy the community

  • Follow your passion!

    Share your interests and passions with others in your community so you can maintain, or build upon, your social connections.

    Primary carers – take a short break from your support duties.

  • Make a difference

    Contributing to and being part of your community enables you to realise your right to participate in problem-solving and decision-making processes regarding issues that affect your day-to-day life in the community that you live in, making valuable friends at the same time.

  • Australian Carers can offer you:

    • Accompanying you to community meetings or events
    • Outings to take part in cultural activities
    • Trips to the shops
    • Accompanying you to sporting events
    • Trips to the movies

    Let’s do this together! Call us now on 1800 330 900

Sydney | Adelaide | Perth | Rockhampton

Contact Australian Carers today!